Tribal Badger T-Shirt

Here is a photo of the “Badger Forge” T-shirt I just got in the mail. I create custom stylized animal artworks for a living, and most of my clients commission me to create logotypes or tattoo designs for them. I enjoy seeing where and how my clients use these drawings, and this time I got something especially cool. My client, a knife maker for whom I had created a tribal badger logotype, used my image for some T-shirts. He sent me one as well.

Badger Tribal T-Shirt

The words “hand wiping zone” are written in the front. I find that pretty funny.

Badger Tribal Logotype
A European badger drawing commissioned by Marcus Ranum to be used as his logotype. Later he also got this image tattooed on his shoulder. This image © Marcus Ranum.

This is my original tribal badger artwork that was used for the T-shirt. It’s always fun to see my clients use these drawings for something cool. Here you can see more of my stylized animal designs.

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