History of the Always Changing Female Beauty Standards

changes in beauty standards

Humans have always tried to prescribe how the perfect female body ought to look like. Simultaneously, they have also been unable to stick to any specific beauty ideal for a prolonged period of time. Beauty ideals have changed significantly throughout the ages. Nonetheless, society has always tried to enforce whichever fad was prevalent at some time period, and whoever deviated from some standard got labeled as ugly. In this article, I will provide a short history of female beauty ideals throughout the ages. As you will quickly notice, what we consider a perfect female body in 21st century differs from what people considered beautiful in various other time periods and cultures. Once you realize the fleeting nature of beauty standards, you are forced to consider them in a new light and examine their tenability. Are we really justified in our clinging to some beauty standard and striving to change our bodies just to conform to the ideal? Or maybe we should rethink our obsession with the prevailing fads?